Interactive vocabulary exercise from “Six Flying Dragons” Part 4

Cloze test
with time limit and automatic scoring

Fill in all the gaps and then press the "Check" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. If the time limit has expired, reload/refresh this page to start all over again, or proceed to the next exercise. (Best viewed on Firefox or Chrome)
   armor      arrive      confronts      curfew      discovers      expedition      mourning      moving      necklace      organize      promise      report      strategy      tolls      wake      worse   
Episode 46: The preparations

Bang-won uses the 49-day period for Young-kyu to plan his moves and to his forces.

Boon-yi the weapons hidden in Banchon, and she Bang-won during Young-kyu’s . But Bang-won tells her that she’s free to to Jeong Do-jeon about the weapons that she found.

Moo-hyul and Master Hong are the weapons out of the storage room when Moo-hyul’s grandmother chances upon them. She makes Moo-hyul that he will not fight Bang-ji and to leave with her if things get . Later, one of Boon-yi’s men becomes suspicious of the cart where Moo-hyul and Master Hong have placed some of the weapons.

Yeon-hee gives Bang-ji a suit of that he can use, while he gives her, in return, the that Moo-hyul’s grandmother gave to him.

Through Ha Ryun’s , Bang-won’s forces secretly in the capital. Bang-won then orders Moo-hyul and Jukryong to get Bang-ji away from Jeong Do-jeon by using Yeon-hee.

Bang-won wants to kill Jeong Do-jeon, Officer Nam Eun, and Crown Prince Bang-seok’s father-in-law before the Liaodong begins.

As the bell , Bang-won and his men start moving out.